
The Garden Workbook is divided into two parts. The first is an ebook that will take you through the process of designing and setting up your garden. The second part is a pack of 16 printables to help you plan, manage, and record your garden. See what’s included and learn more in my Etsy Store.

Below you will find some of my favorite products. Most of the links on this page are affiliate links. This means that if you find something you like and end up purchasing it, I get a small amount of money from the vendor for referring you.

You can now scroll through all of my favorite Amazon products in my new Amazon Store in my Amazon Shop. Make sure to hover above the comment mark on the top right of each image for my short comment about the product.






Johnny’s Selected Seeds – seeds and small farming equipment.

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange – another favorite place to buy seeds.

Hoss Tools – great garden equipment and seeds.

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds – interesting rare seeds.

Premier 1 – Fencing and other homestead equipment.

Cultures of Health – all the cheesemaking cultures and rennet.

FarmTek – farming equipment.

Berry Hill Irrigation – irrigation supplies.