Homemade Aloe Vera Juice
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A couple of weeks ago, we talked about how you can very easily grow your own aloe vera. I mentioned in that post that you can drink aloe vera juice to help prevent and cure many health issues.
This week, I want to show you how simple it is to make homemade aloe vera juice if you have the plant growing in your garden.

First, let’s make sure we are on the same page here. Even though many of the aloe vera gels sold in stores say “100% aloe”, I would not ever use them in a juice.
The best is to use aloe vera from a plant you grow organically, or maybe aloe vera from a friend or family member that you can trust.
You can sometimes find aloe vera leaves at the farmers market. I would check if they are organic, and even then might not use them for juice. But it’s up to you.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera is known as the ‘heal-all’ herbal remedy. It can be used externally to cure and heal many skin problems, and it can be used internally for healing, cleansing and repair.
If used internally, in the form of juice, aloe vera can…
Strengthen the immune system.
Treat indigestion and constipation and support a healthy digestive system (therefore, aloe vera can help with weight loss).
Treat arthritis and relieve joint pain.
Treat heartburn.
Lower blood sugar.
Treat stomach ulcer.
Treat hemorrhoids.
Treat UTI and prostate problems.
Reduce cholesterol and support a healthy heart.
Help to reduce and treat inflammation and infection of the eye and year.
Improve the look and health of the skin.
Help keep body balance between acidity and alkalinity (aloe vera is alkaline).
Remove toxins.
Improve hair growth.
How to Make Aloe Vera Juice (or shake)

Start by cutting off one leaf…

You are not going to use the whole leaf, just a 1 1/2 inch by 1 1/2 inch piece. Wrap the rest of the leave and store in the refrigerator to use externally or for your next juice.

After you cut the leave…

Peel the green skin off…

So you are left with the inner gel.

Do you know how when someone tells you that they have fleas in their house or bed bugs or lice or something like that, you start feeling itchy all over?
This is kinda how it is with my kids, they see me mess with an aloe vera leaf and they psychologically start to itch all over.
Benny was applying the gel to his foot while saying “achy, achy!”. Smart baby.

Anyway, throw the gel in the blender with whatever you want. I added four strawberries, half a banana and half a cup of water. You can do any other fruit or you can use a cup of juice like orange juice, mango juice… Really, whatever you like, it’s not rocket science.

Blend well and you are done.

Aloe vera is very bitter. I didn’t add any sweetener because my fruit was very sweet so it offset the aloe vera well. If you want to sweeten the drink, I usually use agave.
Notice that I only made a cup or so. Aloe vera WILL flush your system if you know what I mean… If you don’t want to spend the entire next day in the restroom, do not gulp three cups of aloe vera juice at once.
No one likes a burning butt hole!
I think…
I hope…
Bottom line, start slow and see how aloe vera juice affects you. I usually drink one or two cups a week.
If you would like to try aloe vera juice but don’t have a plant yet (please get one ASAP, please), you can purchase juice here.
Stay healthy,
~Lady Lee~

*Please note that some of the links in the post above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.
**Disclaimer: All materials and statements provided on this website are for informational purposes only and should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical or health advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care professional for any questions you may have regarding your symptoms or medical conditions and before taking any home remedies or supplements. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Enjoyed your blog! Especially the warning if you drink too much! ? Good info though, my bum thanks u in advance! I recently purchased an aloe vera plant and am excited to use it. I’ve seen that there are 40 types of aloe plants; can you harvest from all types? Any other than the vera? Can’t wait to try some in juice or smoothie!
I don’t know about every type… But the common ones that most people grow great to harvest from.
Lovely post. thanks for sharing
I am so glad to get this information. I plan to use it to help in lot’s in garden and health. Thank you! Jean
You are welcome!
Thank you for all this great information I will be drinking this soon. Very helpful!
You are welcome! Thanks for stopping by!
Lady Lee, I have many, many aloe plants around … but… Terminix sprays the yard for bugs so I will have to get some from the store. Thank you for the tip about it’s side effects. :))))
Are they in the ground? You can dig a few of them and plant in pots that you can bring inside whenever they come to spray the yard. Just an idea.
Good plan Lady Lee! You are the best. 🙂 I’ll pick up (or make) some pots this week. 🙂
Good idea also because my brother in law could, from time to time, use a heavy dose of aloe vera juice. Enough said. lol
Thanks again Lady Lee!! :))
~ Christina in FL
I keep an aloe Vera plant for burns. Your article was very interesting.
Is your new house near your acreage in the country?
Yes! We found a house right across from out 20 acres of land. Here is the story: https://ladyleeshome.com/how-we-bought-a-34000-house-in-the-country/
I also use my aloe for burns, it is really a great plant to have around.