The Cheapest Way to Pave a Driveway

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If you’ve ever had to install a new driveway on a piece of land (or redo an existing driveway) you know how expensive this project can be. In this post, I’ll share with you the cheapest way to pave a driveway. We saved a lot of money using this method!

Forget everything you know about driveways… Asphalt, concrete, crusher run gravel, railroad ballast, paving stones… If you have a long driveway, or if you need a system of driveways on a farm, and you plan to go with those common methods of paving a driveway, you are going to need a separate mortgage just for the driveway (or driveways).

Believe me, I’ve been there. But no worries, I have a better idea for you. With a little bit of resourcefulness and work, you can cut your driveway expense significantly.

The Cheapest Way to Pave a Driveway…

This is the cheapest way to pave a driveway. We used recycled materials to cut the cost of paving a long driveway. Let me give you a few ideas for using alternative materials to pave a driveway.

My affair with driveways started after we bought our 20 acres of farmland. There was no access to the land, so for a while, we used the neighbor’s driveway every time we came to visit. This could not last of course, so I started researching how to build a driveway.

I was very ambitious, I wanted to be able to park our RV at the end of the field, so we wouldn’t be too close to the road. I thought “come on, how much can a 400 ft driveway cost? Surely not too much, it’s just a bunch of rocks…” Well, try thousands!

How Much Does a Driveway Cost?

Asphalt, concrete and paving stone were out of the question – we couldn’t afford any of them. And who needs a concrete driveway on a farm anyway?

So we were left with railroad ballast (the larger rock) and crusher run gravel (the smaller rock that we see on most gravel driveways) and the widely known way of building a driveway. But wait, even then we couldn’t afford a 400 ft driveway, every truckload of rock cost $350-$400 (back in 2013), and each truckload only covers about 50 ft.

You need a layer or two of railroad ballast (the professionals told me), depending on how packed your ground is, and on top of that a layer or, more likely, two, of gravel (4”-6”). This adds up, and don’t forget the price of a hired tractor man and his machine, cause you aren’t going to rake it around, ain’t nobody got time for that! 

Paving a Gravel Driveway…

gravel over the ditch pipe

**Please forgive me for the quality of the next few pictures, it’s a long story, but some pictures are better than no pictures.

So anyway, we compromised on a 50 ft driveway (as if we had any other choice, pahh!), and I convinced myself that maybe it wouldn’t be that bad to park that close to the road.

A 15-inch concrete pipe had to be installed in the ditch. It cost $322.60 delivered, I was happy to find out that the local DOT people would install it for free if I didn’t mind waiting a few days. I didn’t.

a dump truck unloading gravel

We have hard red clay around here, so we decided to dump the railroad ballast stone on top of it and skip the ground scraping step (if we had soft ground here, we would have had to scrape the top layer of the soil).

a tractor with a box blade spreading gravel

After the dump truck had dumped the stone, the tractor man used the box blade attachment to move the stone and create the driveway. His charge was $150 (which is rather low at $50 an hour).

rail road balast rock

Here is a closer look at the railroad ballast. The rock is larger than crusher-run gravel, and it is washed clean (no sand mixed with it). It’s supposed to make a good base for the gravel.

50 feet of gravel driveway

This is the length of the driveway one truckload makes. Approximately 50 ft long, 12 ft wide, and 2” thick (this is just the layer of railroad ballast). We had another truckload delivered which we used to widen the end of this strip so that we could maneuver the RV.

The total cost for the two loads was $822.66 + $150 for the hired tractor + $322.60 for the pipe = $1295.26 for a 50 feet driveway. And this is without topping the driveway with crusher run and finishing it all the way…

I was sitting at my house, happy to finally have access to the land, but realizing that my vision of a future house by the wonderful, clear-water, creek at the back of the property was in jeopardy. 

It is at least 2500 ft to the back of our rectangular-shaped property. We just spent more than a $1000 on 50 ft, and this is without the gravel since we decided to let the railroad ballast pack a little before we ordered the gravel.

There must be a better, “not normal”, creative alternative, I thought. I just had to find it… Then I did.

Cheap Driveway Alternatives…

A few weeks after we installed this driveway, we went to visit friends in Virginia. They have a beautiful 50-acre farm on the river with lots of outbuildings connected by driveways. The moment I stepped out of my car I noticed their driveways were different. They were black, almost like asphalt but not exactly.

“What is it?” I asked.

“It’s grated asphalt,” our friends said and then explained that they have a friend who drives a dump truck. He was called to work with a road construction company, and after they had filled his truck with the grated asphalt, he was looking for a place to dump it. They paid him $100 a truckload to dump it on their farm.

It was the first time that I’d heard of an alternative driveway material. I had never considered it before and in my research, I did not find much information about it anywhere online.

Since that weekend, I’ve never looked at a dump truck driver the same. They were all my potential friends now.

an asphalt millings driveway

What do you know, only a few days after we came back from that trip it happened. A construction company came to repave the parking lot next to our locksmith shop. My ex-husband (wasting no time), practically jumped on the dump truck driver.

asphalt millings driveway at our old house in town

We got three (as in 3, just to make sure we are clear on that) full dump trucks of grated, scraped or whatever you want to call it parking lot asphalt for….. Wait for it…. Wait…. $50 (as in 50 dollars for all three, just to make sure we are clear on that).

Then we used our new tractor and box blade to shape the material into a driveway (since we now had access to the land we wanted to start working it so we purchased a tractor). 

In the image above is our 200 ft or so driveway in town (we don’t live there anymore), which was also suffering. You can see that we still had some work to do, organizing the rocks on the sides, smoothing it further and so on.

I want to point out a few things…

  • First, of course, is the difference in money spent ($1000+ vs. $50).
  • Second, the first driveway is 50 ft, and this one is 200 ft.
  • Third, since the railroad ballast is a bigger and cleaner rock, weeds grow in between the rocks so I had to deal with them. The parking lot grated material has sand mixed in it, so weeds don’t see the sun, therefore, I don’t see them, we don’t meet, no one needs to kill anyone and everyone is much happier.
large rock leftover from the asphalt driveway

Lastly, this was not perfectly milled asphalt, it was what came out straight from the parking lot.

We ended up with a pile of bigger asphalt pieces. In the beginning, I was a bit terrified, it didn’t look good in the driveway and our neighbors gave us the evil eye (we shared the driveway with two other families). But we ended up removing the larger pieces by hand.

Where to Get Cheap Driveway Materials? 

Since the visit to our friends in Virginia, and this driveway saga a whole world had opened to us. We ended up purchasing a dump truck and we started building driveways for others on the side for extra income. We were able to save a lot of people a lot of money. We don’t do this anymore but I sure learned a lot from the few years we installed driveways. 

Obviously, we had to find a reliable supply of cheap driveway material. We looked around and found a quarry in our city that recycles asphalt. We were able to get it for $8 a ton (compared to $17 a ton for gravel. Those were the prices at the time of my writing of this post in 2013 or 2014. Obviously things might have changed).

I still think that the best thing is to get in touch with someone who drives a dump truck and ask them to notify you if they are called for a paving job. You can ask friends on Facebook if anyone knows a local truck driver. 

As far as I know, a lot of these drivers are independent contractors. It’s their responsibility to find a place to dump the waste and in most cases, they need to pay to be able to dump it. If you offer to pay them instead… It’s a big win for them. 

But if you can’t find a willing dump truck driver, call quarries around where you live and try to find a place that recycles. You will then have to find a truck driver to haul the material for you. 

You can, in some cases, find drivers on Craigslist, but you can also ask the quarry if they provide this service. If they don’t I am sure that they can give you a few numbers of drivers that they know. 

Even if you live out in the country, I am pretty sure that you can save some money by purchasing the asphalt millings and paying a driver to dump it at your place. 

Another idea is to call paving companies around your town and ask if they are looking for a place to dump their waste. Many of them will be happy to dump it at your place instead of paying to dump it somewhere else. 

Other Costs Associated With Paving a Driveway…

Please don’t forget that material is not your only expense when paving a driveway. After having some experience and learning how to pave a driveway I have to admit that, more than anything, you have to make sure your driveway is not going to wash out. 

You can buy the more expensive rock or the cheaper driveway alternatives, but if you don’t dig that ditch on the side of the driveway, or if you didn’t lay enough material so your driveway is higher than the land around it, the material is going to wash. 

So take into consideration the cost of ditch-digging (if you need one), soil scraping, the cost of a concrete pipe (if you need one), the cost of the material and the hauling of the material, and the cost of the spreading of the material if you don’t have a tractor and a box blade and can’t do it yourself. 

We were able to save a lot of money because we were able to do all the work ourselves. I hope this post will give you some ideas. Even if you end up saving just a little bit, I’m happy I shared this info with you. 

One Last Note About Cheap Driveway Paving…

After we started working with the local quarry, we found out that they were also recycling concrete. Recycled concrete was even cheaper than asphalt millings ($6 a ton) and we ended up installing a crushed concrete driveway for the farm and using it in many other jobs. Both recycled materials packed and held very well. 

Please take a moment to scroll through the many comments below. Many people have great ideas and thoughts on this cheap way of paving a driveway. And if you are the kind of person who likes to think outside the box, you might also like my alternative building methods post which goes over 12 alternative ways to build structures. 

More DIY Projects on the Farm…

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  1. We are also facing problem for approach road in our recently bought house is Louisiana downtown. It was almost half kilometer from the main road & it’s soil is uncovered. Your article will help me to take proper steps.

    1. I hope prices didn’t change too much!

  2. Joseph Lust says:

    Appreciate your well thought out values !!! Being , where you are from in Israel I appreciate you even more ! Thank you …

    1. Thank you for your kind words!

  3. I live in a rural area in Oregon but on a main highway from Portland to the coast. Last summer a 13 mile stretch of the highway was finally repaved. We live on that stretch of highway. The old highway pavement was removed and a few local homeowners let them pile it up on their properties. The road construction gave it all away for free because the state’s fee for not disposing of it properly is less than the cost to properly dispose of it. Those few homeowners then allowed those of us in the area who wanted some to take what we needed. A few local guys who own dump trucks offered up their time and trucks. The first guy we happened to call charged us $10 per load to haul it. We needed 11 loads to do our 600 ft mud-swamp driveway. My husband dug the ditch. We raked it all ourselves and my husband fashioned a grader out of a steel grate, then we torched and stamped it all by hand. It was a lot of work but now we have a “paved” asphalt blacktop driveway that we paid $110 for.

    1. OMG, thanks for sharing this. It’s so awesome to hear of someone with a recent experience. I haven’t checked prices lately but everything went up everywhere so I wasn’t sure this was even still possible. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing this info!

  4. As the area developed where I live, many people were getting asphalt millings to construct their driveways. Being we have no city water and everyone is on a well the health department stepped in when the cancer rate went up. They no longer will permit anyone to use the asphalt millings as the carcinogens from the asphalt have perked into the water supply. We were designated a cancer cluster for a number of years which knocked the bottom out of the real estate market for a number of years. You might want to reconsider the use of these kinds of materials.

    1. Wow! First time that I am hearing of this being a problem? What about the asphalt that they use everywhere to pave roads tho?

    2. Joseph Bascue says:

      Ridiculous and show proof of this as far as I am concerned you made this up…

  5. Wow! What a great article. I have a long driveway to pave, and I was dreading the estimates. You had me at the $1k plus option. When it got better…had to keep myself from grabbing the phone. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I hope you can still find similar prices! A lot has changed since we paved this driveway…

  6. Last week (3-23), I was quoted $ 27/ton – 22 tons for #57. (Balto/Wash area) Everything is costing more for the past couple yrs.

    1. Yes, I haven’t checked prices in a while but I am sure they are up.

  7. Now asphalt millings cost more than 57 stone, or crush and run. Asphalt millings have caught on as the premium way to “dump” a driveway. The cheapest thing nowadays is crushed concrete, or recycled concrete.

    1. I haven’t checked for a while but I totally believe you. Prices changed so much in the past few years… On everything.

    2. The recycled concrete is a safer bet. However you must be careful it does not come from very old construction that may contain asbestos. That was another problem we encountered in my neighborhood. The dust fromthe driveways was easily inhaled and may have also contributed to the rise in the local cancer rate.

  8. Faye M. Linton says:

    I always appreciate folks like yourself. I am 79yrs young, owner and care taker of 1 1/4 ac. in the San Francisco Bay Area, next to the Sacramento River – well, 1/4 mi away. My main driveway, off my official street number, is an incline and poorly designed in the beginning. I have a man hole in the middle. It has been asphalted over ?? times prior to our family’s purchase of the property. We do have a back entrance coming off another city street and have made our own drive between the two. We also live on California clay which is slush in winter and concrete in summer. Also, we occasionally experience (during heavy winter rains) small sink holes that were absent all previous summer. Concrete and/or asphalt are financially not good but also disallows the water to return to God’s earth and His aquifers. I’m looking for a healthy and decent appearing drive from Wharf Dr and a good and long lasting drive through the property. I’m also looking at putting in a covered food garden as well.
    Thank you for your time,
    Faye M. Linton (no website—yet!

    1. Every area presents its own challenges… I love that you are thinking “with” the earth! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Can you request finer material instead of the big chunks? Or are the big chunks needed or helpful for the project? Im gonna do my driveway! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I think that you’ll probably find it in the finer form. We had these large chunks because we got it right from the grading work site. If you get it from a miller it will be fine and milled perfectly.

  10. Used as temporary access roads by the US Military, you can utilize the same material for your backyard for less. Simply expand, infill, and compact for an instant driveway. Drive all your vehicles for a lifetime with zero structural maintenance.

  11. That sounds good, but I can`t find any grated asphalt or concrete here in the country. I have no tractor either. When we first had to do something to cover our driveway, I found lots of discarded netting material at the landfill. This was long rolls of woven plastic that you could use for a lot of things. I brought it home and put it on the drive, so the truck could put the rock over it and keep it from sinking. It would have worked but because the drive is on a hill, the truck could not drive on it without sliding. Bummer. We had to pull it all up and just put the rock down. We kept the material for years and finally had to take a lot of it back to the landfill. Though we had used some of it.

    1. Every location and every driveway has its own set of challenges. And, of course, the resources that I have access to might not be the same for someone else.

    2. They should have started from the road inward. Then they could dump on the material, spread material over fabric before they return & continue inward.
      The first little bit will get wrinkled a touch but once you get the first load down on fabric it’s easy to roll out as you go as long as you have the means to spread the materials before next load returns.
      Just in case anyone else has this issue in the future. To late for you I know, but it is the way to go & be able to use fabric under the materials.

  12. Literally in the same boat!!!! We recently bought a farm,… we have about 1,5km of access road so Thank you very much!! I drive pass a huge road construction everyday on my way to work and never thought about it thank you for sharing. From South Africa, KZN, midlands

    1. They have a lot of waste that we can use! I hope it will be available for you.

  13. Joseph Gilbert says:

    I appreciate your story about your driveway. I visited Israel in 1975 for 60 days when I was 27. I need to make a driveway of about 300’ on my 3 acres near Ojai, California. Do you think that the material which is used under the asphalt, (not the asphalt), on roads is good for making a driveway?

    1. I am not sure what material you mean…

  14. We’ve been here 30 years and our land has a very gently drop but where we drive down was a real wash out problem. I got several pieces of thrown away carpet and started at the bottom of the driveway and laid it all the way up the 300′ and lo and behold it is still there serving very well. Carpet stuff is free, keeps it out of the dump and color fades pretty quickly, easy to lay down. I even have had rugs ready to dispose of which I laid by our yard gate. Friends have gotten different size aggregate and it eventually wears down into the sandy dirt. If they had put down carpet THEN laid the aggregate it it would have held out of the dirt!

    1. That’s a great tip! I would have thought that it would decompose…

    2. What did you put over the carpet (if anything) ?

  15. Beth Miller says:

    I was hoping to see pictures of the final project after it was all done ….

  16. AnnMarie Bouchet says:

    I live in Catonsville, Md.21228 .I need a supply company really not to far from my home to have a dump truck filled with gravel rocks for my driveway

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