40 Purple Sweet Potato Recipes

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Find 41 purple sweet potato recipes, sweet and savory. This list will give you an idea of what you can do with purple sweet potatoes. Choose a recipe and get to work! There are so many delicious purple sweet potato recipes!

Maybe you are growing purple sweet potatoes in your garden, or maybe you came by them at a market or heard about them from a friend or saw a picture on social media and you are curious… 

Whatever the reason is that led you here, I hope that this post will give you a better idea of all the delicious recipes you can make with purple sweet potatoes. 

There are so many great ways to use purple sweet potatoes, you can use them in both savory and sweet dishes. I wrote a few recipes using purple sweet potatoes here on the blog that I will link to below but I haven’t tried nearly as many as I would love to try. 

Especially the sweet ones! Purple sweet potato ice cream? You know this has to be interesting. 

41 Purple Sweet Potato Recipes…

Find 41 purple sweet potato recipes, sweet and savory. This list will give you an idea of what you can do with purple sweet potatoes. Choose a recipe and get to work! There are so many delicious purple sweet potato recipes!
#purplesweetpotatoes #purplesweetpotatorecipes

My journey with purple sweet potatoes started at a farmer’s market here in NC a few years ago. We have plenty of farmer’s markets around where I live, but once a year or so, I’ll make the hour and fifteen-minute drive to the huge state Farmer’s Market down in Raleigh.

A few years ago, I noticed a vegetable that I’d never seen before. I asked the farmer what it was and he said that it was a purple sweet potato. Honestly, I didn’t know that there was such a thing. 

Of course, I bought a few to try. 

But then I got home and placed them in the pantry. I also brought back with me crates of fruit and vegetables and they all needed to be processed right away so I got busy and completely forgot about the purple sweet potatoes.

Months later, before the next growing season, I tried to sprout a regular sweet potato so I could plant its slips and grow sweet potatoes but the thing would not sprout!

It was too late to place an order for slips and I couldn’t find them locally. Then I suddenly remembered that I had those purple sweet potatoes from the farmers market in my pantry. 

Sprouted purple sweet potato

I placed a couple of them in water and within days they sprouted and slips started growing like crazy! 

That year, I planted those slips and grew a whole crop of purple sweet potatoes and harvested a ton of sweet potatoes.

And this is how my affair with this vegetable started. Since then, I’ve been growing them on and off, sharing slips with other gardeners, and trying different recipes… I love purple sweet potatoes!

How do Purple Sweet Potatoes Taste? 

If you’ve never tried a purple sweet potato before you might be surprised the first time you try it…

First, it’s not as sweet as the orange sweet potato that is more common. Second, it’s also not as moist as the orange sweet potato. 

This might turn away some people but I want to encourage you to give it a try. It really is somewhere between a regular potato and a sweet potato. It has that gentle sweetness to it that can change a bit depending on how you cook it. 

I find that my baked purple sweet potato tastes sweeter than my roasted sweet potatoes. Sometimes you can also add sweetness if you like. For example, I add some maple syrup to my mashed sweet potatoes.  

Purple sweet potato is also very dense. It’s creamy and very filling. One serving will literally fill you up for hours. 

This also changes a bit depending on how you cook your potato. I find that roasted purple sweet potato is a little on the dry side so I add a garlic dip to go with it. In my mashed purple sweet potatoes, I sometimes add cream or milk or sour cream to make it a bit lighter.  

Purple Sweet Potato Nutrition…

These potatoes are not only pretty, easy to grow, and taste good… They are also very healthy!

Purple sweet potatoes are low in carbohydrates and fat and are a great source of fiber and vitamins like vitamin A and C.

They are also a great source for calcium and potassium, but maybe the greatest health benefit of purple sweet potato is their richness in antioxidants. In fact, they have higher antioxidants capacity and anti-radical kinetics in them than blueberries have!

The bottom line is, this is a really great addition to anyone’s diet. 

Where to Buy Purple Sweet Potatoes…

I show you exactly how you can grow your own purple sweet potatoes in my Growing Purple Sweet Potato post. You really don’t have to have a huge garden to grow them, a raised bed will do or even a large container. 

However, if you’d like to try them but can’t grow them, or if you want to try to grow them but having a hard time finding slips to purchase and you need a potato to sprout I would recommend a company called Frieda’s that sells Storkes purple sweet potatoes by the box. 

They have an option for organic potatoes and their product is great. At some point in my journey of growing sweet potatoes, I decided to grow the orange potatoes instead of the purple ones for a little bit. When I wanted to go back to growing the purple sweet potatoes I purchased a box of organic purple sweet potatoes from them and sprouted it to get slips that I could plant. 

I was very happy with the box of potatoes they sent me so even though you might be able to find these potatoes locally I wanted to link to them here in case you need an online option for purchasing purple sweet potatoes.  

Purple Sweet Potato Recipes…

Purple sweet potato on a fork.

Ok, let’s get to the purple sweet potato recipe roundup now! 

I’ve collected 41 recipes for us to try; 20 savory recipes and 21 sweet recipes. They all look delicious! I haven’t tried them all so in many cases the words in the description of the recipe are the author’s words, not mine. Just keep that in mind. 

I’ll list savory recipes first and then it’s dessert time! Again, there is a total of 41 recipes here, my friends. That’s a whole lot that can be done with this amazing crop. 

If you try any of those recipes I’d love it if you come back to comment here and let me know what you thought about it!

Ok, let’s get to it…

40 Purple Sweet Potato Recipes

Find 41 different purple sweet potato recipes both savory and sweet.

Savory Purple Sweet Potato Recipes

Sweet Purple Sweet Potato Recipes

Oh my, you guys… I am seriously hungry right now. 

I have to be honest and say that before I started putting this purple sweet potato recipe list together I didn’t think that I’d find so many purple sweet potato recipes online to link to. 

Maybe it’s not a super popular potato, but one thing is for sure… Everyone who tries it falls in love with both the taste and the color.  

It truly is so much fun to find a 100% healthy food that is also soo beautiful and makes every dish so vibrant with color and beauty. 

I am completely in love with this veggie and I hope that after seeing all these recipes you are going to give it a try. 

If you already have your hands on purple sweet potatoes, chose a recipe and start cooking! Let me know what recipe you chose and how you liked it. 

Please share this content if you like it. Thank You!

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  1. Brian Nagele says:

    Seems like every time I come back to your website you have a new interesting thing for me to read. How do you stay so motivated? Do you research all of these posts before posting?

    1. Some research some life experience. All mixed together.

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